Artist Statement:

Keith Scanlon builds layers of paint to create depth and interesting segments throughout the entire piece through the idea of Push-and-Pull. Creating this sense of Push-and-Pull creates a dynamic sense of depth, movement, and space through the use of color and shapes as opposed to representational forms. He makes Acrylic paintings completed with flat edge materials including a brayer and gelli plate. Creating his paintings gives him the capability to generate something that has never been seen. The individuality of each piece is created through unique mark-makings and color combinations. These techniques can relate to each viewer's past experiences taking them back to a time or place, or create a brand new experience.

Keith Scanlon was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio.

He attended the University of Dayton and graduated in 2011, with a major in Art Education and concentration in painting. He then went on to obtain his Masters of Art in Art Education from The Ohio State University.

he acquired a career as an art teacher and thoroughly enjoys the process of helping students gain better insight and abilities within the arts.